How Does It Work?
Our Simple,
Step-by-Step Process
Our Simple, Step-by-Step Process
Discover how easy it is to request and receive products from Japan with our streamlined service.
The process
Submit a Product Request
Start by filling out our request form, where you can specify one or multiple products. Include a link, photo, or product name to help us find exactly what you’re looking for.
Receive a Quote
Based on the number of products, we’ll provide a flat fee between $20 and $30 (see fee structure for details). Your quote will include the product(s) cost, shipping cost, and our handling fee. We make no profit on shipping or the product cost, so you can trust in fair, transparent pricing.
Pay and Receive Your Items
Once you’ve reviewed and accepted the quote, you’ll proceed with payment. After that, we’ll handle the rest-from purchasing the product in Japan to arranging for shipping and delivering it to your door. You’ll receive tracking information, so you can monitor your shipment every step of the way.
Enjoy The Product(s)
Once your products come, it is time to enjoy the best of Japan right from the comfort of your home.
Who Can Benefit from Our Service
Our service is designed for anyone passionate or curious about Japanese products, whether for personal enjoyment or to enhance your business, Something from Japan opens up a world of Japanese products tailored to your needs.
Japan Enthusiasts
For travelers who fell in love with unique products during a visit to Japan and want to experience them again, we provide a direct link to bring those cherished items home.
Social Media Inspiration
Seen something cool from Japan online? We help you track down that unique gadget, skincare item, or snack trending on social media, bringing it directly to your door.
Collectors and Fans
From rare anime collectibles to limited-edition merchandise, we help fans find exclusive items that are hard to source outside of Japan.
Small Business Owners
Perfect for entrepreneurs who want to offer Japanese products to their customers but face challenges sourcing them. We provide reliable, small-scale import solutions for curated product selections.